Tuesday 11 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'East' Jerusalem is different from the 'West Bank' says... Steny Hoyer

'East' Jerusalem is different from the 'West Bank' says... Steny Hoyer

There may be nothing that would more concern the Obama administration than Democrats taking independent positions on issues that are important to the administration. That especially goes for Democrats in leadership positions. In that light, this story takes on added significance. The dispute between Israel and the 'Palestinians' is to the Obama administration's foreign policy as 'Obamacare' is to its domestic policy.

In an interview with the Jerusalem Post on Monday, House majority leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md) said that 'east' Jerusalem is different than the 'West Bank settlements.'
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: 'East' Jerusalem is different from the 'West Bank' says... Steny Hoyer

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