Monday 24 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Diplomats: Obama's devotion to Israeli - 'Palestinian' dispute a 'waste of time'

Diplomats: Obama's devotion to Israeli - 'Palestinian' dispute a 'waste of time'

After questioning why President Obama would want to try to solve the Israeli - 'Palestinian' dispute when he has so many other things on his plate right now, Jackson Diehl almost nails it.

Why do this now? There is, Obama said after meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak last week, "a growing realization on the part of the Palestinians that Israel is not going anywhere and is a fact, a reality that has to be dealt with; and a recognition on the part of the Israelis that their long-term security interests require finding an accommodation with the Palestinians and ultimately with their Arab neighbors."

In general, those observations are correct. But the administration's efforts to broker the initial steps that Obama hopes to announce have demonstrated just how difficult it will be to translate those promising trends into a peace agreement.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Diplomats: Obama's devotion to Israeli - 'Palestinian' dispute a 'waste of time'

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