Tuesday 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

Gabriel Siboni, the director of the IDF Force Structure program at the Institute for National Security Studies, writes that 'demilitarization' is an outdated concept and that a 'demilitarized' 'Palestinian state' is as great a danger to Israel as a militarized one.

The threat against Israel has changed and what is required now is the crystallization of an up-to-date strategic concept according to which Israel can fix its future security mechanisms.

The main threat Israel had to face in the past was the possibility that the Arab countries would occupy the country or parts of it. Since they have despaired of being able to do so, they have turned their efforts to developing rockets and missiles on a wide scale, putting most of Israel's population at risk of attack.

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Israel Matzav: 'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

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