Saturday 8 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Arabs just say no

Arabs just say no

Jonathan Spyer argues that the Arab states are just saying no to the United States because they feel no sense of urgency to resolve the Israeli-Arab conflict, because the United States has attached no consequences to saying no, and because the Arab states recognize - as does just about everyone outside of Washington DC - that there is no chance of resolving the conflict right now.

One explanation for this holds that the administration's pressure on Israel is leading to a hardening of Arab positions. Since Obama demanded a complete freeze on all construction in settlements, it would now be futile to expect Arab gestures of normalization unless Israel first accepts this demand. However, the Arab rejection of incremental measures has not been solely predicated on Israel's refusal of a comprehensive freeze on all construction in West Bank settlements. Rather, the very principle of normalization in the period prior to a final-status accord between Israelis and Palestinians appears to be rejected.

The rejection of this idea derives from two elements. Firstly, the near-universal, though rarely expressed, belief that the current attempt to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is doomed to failure. Secondly, the distinct lack of urgency felt in Arab capitals regarding this issue.

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Israel Matzav: Arabs just say no

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