Monday 24 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Arab League seethes over Jewish prayer on Temple Mount

Arab League seethes over Jewish prayer on Temple Mount

Personally, I don't go onto the Temple Mount. My rabbi doesn't permit it. But some Jews do and apparently some of them were 'caught' praying on Sunday. And the Arab League is seething about it.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, head of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, led the guided tour on the Temple Mount. While guards on the mount have a policy of preventing Jewish prayer or religious gestures such as kneeling or bowing, Rabbi Ariel's group managed to briefly pray at the site.

"This is the first time since 1967 that Jews have conducted prayers on Al-Aksa during the month of Ramadan,” Moussa declared. “We condemn this act,” he added, in the name of the 22 countries belonging to the League.

The prayer session was “a serious blow to the holiness of the site,” Moussa claimed, adding that Jews should not be allowed to pray at the site "whether it is Ramadan or any other time of year.”

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Israel Matzav: Arab League seethes over Jewish prayer on Temple Mount

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