Sunday 19 July 2009

Lands of the Unfree

Lands of the Unfree

Freedom House has published its report about freedom in the world, 2008. They find 42 countries and 9 territories to be Not Free, the report I've linked to focuses mostly on the 17 countries and 4 territories that are the worst of all.

The Middle East is represented by Lybia, Syria, Sudan and Saudi Arabia. (I expect Iran wil be in the report for 2009).

The Palestinians aren't on the list. Or rather, they are, higher up in the Not Free category, and while this is not only because of Israel it is partially so, and this is bad. Still, they're not in the 21 worst places to be described in the report. Which then raises the question, why do some people think the Palestinians have it worse than anyone else? And what are we to make of American, British, Argentinian or other bloggers activists and noise-makers, who willfully overlook the suffering of tens of millions of people in order to focus mainly or exclusively on Israel's crimes in denying freedom?
taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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