Tuesday 28 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Women of Hamastan forced to wear head scarves

Women of Hamastan forced to wear head scarves

On Sunday, it was reported that a judge in Gaza forced a lawyer to don a head scarf in order to appear in court. Now it is reported that the decree goes beyond the courts. Gaza is becoming more and more like Iran and Saudi Arabia. All women are now required to wear head scarves.

The London-based newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that the Gaza government approved a series of laws meant to guard Muslim morals.

This joins an increasing number of reports by Gaza residents, who say modesty patrols have been forcing women to wear head coverings, especially at Gaza's beaches, and that they are inspecting isolated cars in order to prevent unmarried couples from being alone together.

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Israel Matzav: Women of Hamastan forced to wear head scarves

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