Tuesday 21 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Why Abu Mazen fled Safed

Why Abu Mazen fled Safed

Nearly two weeks ago, I noted a confession by 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen, whose public profile (in English) claims that he is a 'refugee,' on 'Palestinian' television that his family had voluntarily left Tzfat (Safed) in 1948, and had not been expelled by the Jews as he would have you believe. If he's a 'refugee' he (or his father) made himself one.

But Tzfat wasn't just a town where the Arab armies urged the 'people' to get out of the way so that they could drive the Jews into the Sea. The inimitable Sarah Honig recalls the background of Tzfat and why its Arab population was so fearful as to flee. (Warning: This is graphic).

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Why Abu Mazen fled Safed

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