Monday 6 July 2009

Israel Matzav: US and Saudis push Syria on Lebanese border

US and Saudis push Syria on Lebanese border

In a sudden turnaround, the United States and Saudi Arabia are pushing Syria to demarcate its borders with Lebanon. The reason is to remove Israel's rationale for not turning the Shaba Farms (Mount Dov) over to Lebanon without there first being a treaty between Israel and Syria. For those who have forgotten, Israel liberated Mount Dov from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War. Lebanon claims that Mount Dov belongs to it, and Hezbullah uses Israel's 'occupation' of Mount Dov as proof that Israel is 'occupying' 'Lebanese territory' thereby justifying its existence in Lebanon. The US claims that if Syria demarcates its border with Lebanon, and puts Mount Dov on the Lebanese side of the border, it will take away Hezbullah's raison d'etre (see map below).

These moves come amid warming relations between Damascus and Washington. This past weekend Syrian President Bashar Assad issued an unofficial invitation to his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama to visit the Syrian capital.

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Israel Matzav: US and Saudis push Syria on Lebanese border

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