Sunday 26 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Trying to make 'Palestinian' kids spend their summers like other kids

Trying to make 'Palestinian' kids spend their summers like other kids

I've posted several times about how the 'Palestinians' have their kids spend the summer. Here's one example. This year, the Jerusalem Municipality is spending NIS 500,000 (about $128,000) trying to get 'Palestinian' kids to spend their summer in a camp run by the Municipality instead of in Islamist camps. Is it working? Well, they have 8,000 kids in Municipal-run summer camps this year.

That Israel sees [Islamist] camps as a threat is not in his imagination. In recent years there has been alarm in the Israeli media over Palestinian summer camps run by Fatah and Hamas, some offering paramilitary training for teenagers. Now, even camps for younger children have come into question, and officials in the Jerusalem municipality say they're in a strugle to make municipal-run (read: Israeli) camps more affordable for the children of Arab East Jerusalemites.

"The Islamic movement is running summer camps with a very clear agenda: to indoctrinate young kids to a very strict religious viewpoint and what we know are very extreme messages, which of course we think is not the right thing," says Yakir Segev, a Jerusalem city council member who is in charge of the East Jerusalem portfolio.

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Israel Matzav: Trying to make 'Palestinian' kids spend their summers like other kids

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