Thursday 30 July 2009

Israel Matzav: There is a military solution to terror

There is a military solution to terror

In Commentary, Michael Totten argues that Operation Cast Lead shows that there is a military solution to terror (Hat Tip: Instapundit).

The New York Times reports that Hamas has decided to wage a “culture war” instead of a rocket war because, as one leader put it, “the fighters needed a break and the people needed a break.”

Movies, plays, art exhibitions, and poems are Hamas’s new weapons. Hamas supporters, though, aren’t the only Palestinians in Gaza using art as a weapon. Said al-Bettar skewers Hamas every night at Gaza City’s Shawa cultural center in his popular play The Women of Gaza and the Patience of Job. “We were the victims of a big lie,” he says about the doctrine of armed “resistance.”

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Israel Matzav: There is a military solution to terror

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