Monday 13 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Syria won't set border with Lebanon

Syria won't set border with Lebanon

Do you remember how the US and 'our friends the Saudis' were 'pushing' Syria to demarcate its border with Lebanon, so that they could push Israel to give the strategic Mount Dov (Shaba Farms) area to Lebanon and thereby 'take away' Hezbullah's raison d'etre (as if that's the only reason Hezbullah exists)? Well, I'm sure you'll all be shocked - just shocked - to hear that as I predicted, the Syrians just said no.

The Syrian representative, Bashar Ja'afari, sent a series of letters to the UN stipulating that Syria considered the defining of a future Syrian-Lebanese border, especially regarding the Shaba Farms, unfeasible until Israel withdrew from the entire area, the Israeli-Arab news Web site Al Arab reported Sunday.

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Israel Matzav: Syria won't set border with Lebanon

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