Tuesday 21 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Some reminders about Jerusalem

Some reminders about Jerusalem

President Obumbler's efforts to stop Israeli construction at the Shepherd Hotel in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah section has prompted David Hazony to send the Annointed One some reminders of why Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people and is not up for negotiations. Here's his bottom line. Jerusalem is not just a consensus issue in Israel but also a deeply personal one.

There is no erasing the thousands of years of yearning for Jerusalem in Jewish texts, nor the heart-wrenching failure of Jewish forces to capture East Jerusalem in 1948, nor the national catharsis of its reunification in the Six Day War, nor over four decades of astonishing development and construction and tourism and flourishing of religious life for all faiths since then. The idea that now, suddenly, a new American president, speaking of “settlements,” will change this reality is not simply offensive and alienating to Israelis only but also to Jews the world over. Rather than recognize his failure in the Middle East so far, Obama is exacerbating it. Israelis do not like to be bullied, and this is far more likely to steel the Israeli public’s resolve against American pressure than weaken it.

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Israel Matzav: Some reminders about Jerusalem

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