Friday 3 July 2009

Israel Matzav: The 'peace process' is dead - Abu Mazen killed it

The 'peace process' is dead - Abu Mazen killed it

Yossi Alpher - who is definitely not a right-winger - laments that Abu Mazen's interview in the Washington Post in May has severely damaged the 'peace process.'

Every so often, a national leader makes statements in an interview that redefine his position on the world stage. Abbas appears to have done this. Abbas chose to interpret whatever statement of empathy Olmert made about the refugees--the effort the Israeli leader apparently undertook to offer the Palestinians some sort of psychological closure regarding the events of 1948--as acceptance of the right of return, while the Israeli prime minister understood he was saying the opposite and rejecting the right of return. Abbas looks at an offer of virtually the entire territory of the West Bank, internationalization of the disputed holy sites in Jerusalem and (according to him) the right of return, turns it down and says "the gaps were wide".

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Israel Matzav: The 'peace process' is dead - Abu Mazen killed it

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