Friday 3 July 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' civil war watch: BYOB

'Palestinian' civil war watch: BYOB

Hamas has arrested more than 500 members f Fatah in the Gaza Strip in the last weeks, and apparently that has put a severe strain on Hamas' budget. In fact, the strain is so severe that Hamas has started allowing the prisoners to call home and ask family members to bring them food and drink.

"The prisons in the Gaza Strip are so full that Hamas doesn't have enough money to feed all the detainees," said a Fatah official in Ramallah. "In many cases the detainees receive permission to call their families and ask for food and soft drinks."

Hamas representatives in the Gaza Strip said the latest clampdown was a "routine" measure aimed at preserving law and order.

But another Fatah official said that Hamas was deliberately targeting senior officials of the faction in the Gaza Strip, including former ministers, members of Fatah's "revolutionary council," former Fatah legislators and former commanders of the Palestinian Authority security forces.

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Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' civil war watch: BYOB

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