Thursday 30 July 2009

Israel Matzav: The Obama doctrine of 'engagement' is dead

The Obama doctrine of 'engagement' is dead

Writing in the Washington Post, Michael Gerson argues that at least with regard to North Korea and Iran, Obama's doctrine of 'engagement' is dead.

Six months on, how fares the Obama doctrine? Concerning North Korea and Iran, the doctrine is on its deathbed.

North Korea responded to administration outreach by testing a nuclear weapon, firing missiles toward U.S. allies, resuming plutonium reprocessing and threatening the United States with a "fire shower of nuclear retaliation." During congressional testimony, Clinton admitted, "At this point [it] seems implausible, if not impossible, the North Koreans will return to the six-party talks and begin to disable their nuclear capacity again."

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Israel Matzav: The Obama doctrine of 'engagement' is dead

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