Wednesday 22 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama and Netanyahu: Ugly confrontation from Day One

Obama and Netanyahu: Ugly confrontation from Day One

Amnon Lord argues that the Obama administration - probably based on misguided advice by Israel 'experts' Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod - has sought confrontation with Prime Minister Netanyahu since Day One. But Obama's overbearing pressure on Israel has backfired: Israelis now hate Obama (have you all noticed that?).

OBAMA AND his people thought that concentrated pressure on the settlements issue would do the trick - split the Israeli political system and society wide open and plunge the country into sociopolitical crisis. Toward that goal they had access to a vehicle that no ordinary ruler has in a conflict, whether with an adversary or an ally: Some of the leading voices and commentators in Israel harbor pathological hatred toward Netanyahu and are willing to collaborate in psychological warfare against the Israeli government. Because the settlements are not a consensus issue either in Israeli society or among Israel's friends in America, the Obama people thought they could create a rift between Israel and American Jewry.

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Israel Matzav: Obama and Netanyahu: Ugly confrontation from Day One

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