Tuesday 28 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama and America's allies

Obama and America's allies

In his weekly column in the Washington Examiner, Power Line's Paul Mirengoff discusses the Godfather's sage advice: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' Paul focuses on three allies that the United States has abandoned in the age of Obama - Britain, Israel and India. At Commentary Magazine's Contentions blog, Abe Greenwald focuses on another abandoned American ally, Georgia (Hat Tip: Power Line). And in the Boston Globe, Kapil Komireddi focuses on Obama's treatment of India. Mirengoff and Greenwald both take a stab at the most puzzling question: Why? Here's Mirengoff: Why has Obama violated the intuitively obvious portion of the Godfather's adage?
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: Obama and America's allies

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