Monday 20 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu rejected a demand by the Obama administration - delivered by summoning Ambassador Michael Oren over the weekend - that Israel cease construction of a Jewish housing project on the site of the vacant Shepherd Hotel. The hotel is located in the Sheikh Jarah neighborhood just across the street (literally) from the old border with Jordan. The land was purchased privately by American investor Irving Moskowitz. It used to belong to none other than Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Jerusalem is the "unified capital of Israel and the capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday, responding to an American demand to put an end to a housing project to be built in east Jerusalem.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

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