Sunday 19 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Israel's Left slams Obama

Israel's Left slams Obama

The things that make this article noteworthy are where it appeared (Haaretz, Israel's Hebrew 'Palestinian' daily) and who wrote it (Yoel Marcus, one of their more Leftist writers).

With all of Obama's goodwill and all-embracing ambition, there is something naive, not to say infuriating, about his policy of rapprochement and about the whistle stops he has chosen on his travels dealing with our issue. He spoke in Turkey, he spoke in Egypt, he appeared before students in Saudi Arabia, in Paris, in England, in Ghana and in Australia. Even there the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was mentioned. His plan to begin rapprochement with Iran, which openly threatens to destroy Israel, and to reassure its fanatic leadership, which cruelly suppresses any attempt by the younger generation to get rid of the regime of the ayatollahs, is delusional.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Israel's Left slams Obama

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