Monday 6 July 2009

Israel Matzav: A green light?

A green light?

The big headline in Israel on Monday is Vice President Joe Biden's statement that Israel is a sovereign country and that it can do whatever it sees fit to protect itself from Iran's nuclear threat. While ordinarily I might have viewed that as a yellow light ('we won't stop you' - as if this administration is capable of stopping anyone from doing anything), Israel Radio went so far as to claim that the Obama administration has lost patience with Iran and is giving Israel a green light. While there is ample ground for everyone to give up on sanctions and do what needs to be done in Iran, I don't believe the Obama administration has given up on 'engagement.' But it's also not willing to do anything to stop Israel from attacking Iran. In fact, given this administration's weakness, and the overwhelming feeling everywhere outside of Washington (and Caracas and Damascus) that something must be done, I'm not sure the Obama administration could stop Israel from attacking even if it wanted to stop it.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: A green light?

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