Monday 27 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Good fences make good neighbors

Good fences make good neighbors

Canadian poet and essayist David Solway looks at some of the walls that countries around the world have built to protect themselves and questions why only Israel's 'security fence' is controversial.

[UN 'Human Rights Commissioner Navi] Pillay, like most of her duplicitous ilk, also has nothing to say about the palisade being built by the government of Thailand, which is higher and longer than the Israeli barrier, to cordon off two million Muslims living in the south of the country. She has nothing to say about the “wall of shame” dividing Morocco from Western Sahara (1,500 miles), the electrified fence between Botswana and Zimbabwe (300 miles), and the soon-to-be-completed, ten-foot-high barrier along the entire border between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, built by the Saudis to discourage terrorist infiltration!

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Good fences make good neighbors

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