Friday 31 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Former commander of Israel's ground forces: Gaza expulsion was 'nonsense'

Former commander of Israel's ground forces: Gaza expulsion was 'nonsense'

For those of you who are fasting today, I hope that you are having an easy and meaningful fast. We have a little more than two hours to go here. I also apologize for not being online sooner. I don't fast well (given that I am a constantly sleep-deprived caffeine addict, that should not be surprising), and because of that, no one in this house will wake me up on a fast day unless it's 10 minutes or less until I have to be in synagogue.
Former IDF ground forces commander Yiftach Ron-Tal told army radio today that the expulsion of Gaza's Jews four years ago this week was 'nonsense' from a security perspective, and that although he opposed it, he could not disobey orders.
Read All at :
Israel Matzav: Former commander of Israel's ground forces: Gaza expulsion was 'nonsense'

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