Wednesday 22 July 2009

Israel Matzav: The 'fierce moral urgency' for 'peace' between Israelis and 'Palestinians'

The 'fierce moral urgency' for 'peace' between Israelis and 'Palestinians'

Time Magazine tells us that the 'fierce moral urgency' for 'peace' between Israelis and 'Palestinians' is because Israelis are willing to live with the status quo, while 'Palestinians' are not.

Still, grim as the prospects for achieving agreement under the circumstances may be, the Obama Administration is all too aware that time is running out for the two-state solution. Populations on both sides of the divide have lost faith in the concept, but while Israelis are largely content to live with the status quo, Palestinians are not — and they are losing faith in the path of negotiations [a threat of war? CiJ]. The expansion of the Israeli presence in East Jerusalem and the West Bank in recent years has eroded faith in the prospects for a territorially viable Palestinian state; the idea of resolving the conflict on the basis of creating two states — a concept that entered the political mainstream almost two decades ago — may have reached its expiration date.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: The 'fierce moral urgency' for 'peace' between Israelis and 'Palestinians'

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