Friday 24 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Europeans love Obama apology tour; Israelis and 'Palestinians' hate it

Europeans love Obama apology tour; Israelis and 'Palestinians' hate it

The New York Times reports on the results of a Pew survey that shows that Europeans in particular are enamored of the Obama Blame America World Tour that's been taking place since January. On the other hand, Israelis hate it (the only country to show a significant decline in confidence in the United States to do the right thing), and 'Palestinians,' while having a better view of the United States, are still far below average (via Memeorandum).

Europeans, in particular, seemed to be responding positively to Mr. Obama. The number of Britons saying that they trusted the American president to do the “right thing” in world affairs soared to 86 percent this year, under Mr. Obama, compared with just 16 percent last year, under President George W. Bush. The increase was slightly larger in both Germany and France.

The right thing numbers also jumped in all Middle Eastern countries surveyed — except Israel, which saw no statistical change.

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Israel Matzav: Europeans love Obama apology tour; Israelis and 'Palestinians' hate it

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