Tuesday 21 July 2009

Israel Matzav: A debt of honor: The F-22 to Israel and Japan

A debt of honor: The F-22 to Israel and Japan

Ed Timperlake argues that the despite the Obama administration's desire to cut off production of the F-22 Raptor fighter plane (pictured) it should nevertheless be provided to Israel and Japan as a debt of honor.

America, Israel and Japan are now at a crossroad. America may not be able to sell an export version of the best fighter in the world, the F-22, to Israel and Japan. The reason is the Administration's current insistence on holding fast to a DOD-budgeted production run of F-22s that will stop soon at 187. The harsh reality of stopping F-22 production will be two American allies who are in increasing mortal danger will not have access to the absolute best when they really need America's help.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: A debt of honor: The F-22 to Israel and Japan

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