Monday 27 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Bolton on Iran: 'All options are no longer on the table'

Bolton on Iran: 'All options are no longer on the table'

This is a FoxNews interview with former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton. After a brief discussion of the disclosure of a CIA program to target al-Qaeda terrorists, the discussion turns to Israel and Iran around the 1:20 mark.

There are three quotable quotes from Bolton. They are all spot-on. The first, the Obama administration has a 'neo-religious faith' in 'negotiations' with Iran. The second, there is 'zero chance' that Iran will be negotiated out of its nuclear weapons program. And the third, the one with which I headlined this post, 'all options are no longer on the table.'

I believe that Bolton has nailed it. It's no longer a question of whether there will be an Israeli strike on Iran, but when.

Read and See All at :
Israel Matzav: Bolton on Iran: 'All options are no longer on the table'

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