Thursday 30 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Bolton: It's 'crunch time'

Bolton: It's 'crunch time'

Those of you who are basketball fans know that 'crunch time' is the last few minutes of a close game when all the exhausted starters are on the floor and every shot counts. If you're a coach, you want your best players on the floor during 'crunch time' and you want to have them control the game flow as much as possible.

Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton argues that it's 'crunch time' for Israel on Iran's development of nuclear weapons. According to Bolton, Israel is going to have to make a decision to go it alone in the next few months, or the world will be staring at a nuclear Iran.
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Bolton: It's 'crunch time'

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