Sunday 5 July 2009

io9 - 20 Great American Superheroes To Share Your Holiday With - Independence Day

20 Great American Superheroes To Share Your Holiday With

It's Independence Day here in the United States, and what better way to celebrate it than to remember the fictional men and women who drape themselves in red, white and blue and try to personify what makes the country great?

For almost as long as there have been superheroes, there have been superheroes who were intended to be patriotic figures representing American values by offering up inspirational speeches, standing up for the little guy and socking Hitler in the jaw whenever possible. Considering the popularity of the medium during the Second World War, it's easy to see why Real American Heroes became so prevalent, even if they've failed to find so easy a purpose ever since (Although trying to do so has produced such great stories - and such sly commentary as Captain America's 1970s villains, the Committee to Regain America's Principles... or CRAP, for short). But this isn't a day to think about troubled times... so let's salute the brave, bold and... others... of America's Fictional Finest.

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