Thursday 11 June 2009

White Supremacists Celebrate Holocaust Museum Shooter Suspect as a Martyr and Hero

White Supremacists Celebrate Holocaust Museum Shooter Suspect as a Martyr and Hero

Posted: June 11, 2009

Following the shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., white supremacists and anti-Semites lauded the suspect, James Von Brunn, a longtime neo-Nazi and white supremacist, as a hero and a martyr.

Although he was a peripheral figure in the movement, Von Brunn was respected by fellow white supremacists for his anti-Semitic and racist views, which he has expressed for decades. After the shootings, he was lauded in posts to white supremacist and anti-Semitic Web sites as “an exemplar of the warrior spirit within every White person.”

One individual called himself a “recruit” as a result of the shooting. Other extremists warned that similar attacks are forthcoming and, more specifically, that “filthy jews need to know that they are not safe anywhere.”

Praise for Von Brunn is not new; though he was a peripheral figure in the movement, Von Brunn was respected by fellow white supremacists as he had expressed his vehement anti-Semitic and racist views for decades.

Giving some insight into what might have driven Von Brunn to allegedly take action at the museum, acquaintance and white supremacist John de Nugent cited, as one factor, the election of President Barack Obama as a “tremendous signal of alarm” for Von Brunn. Rage among white supremacists has escalated considerably, as they view the election of a black man as a sign that white people are losing power.

The following is a series of comments taken from white supremacist Web sites in response to the shooting:

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ADL - White Supremacists Celebrate Holocaust Museum Shooter Suspect as a Martyr and Hero

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