Tuesday 2 June 2009

TZIPIYAH.COM - Stop Treating Palestinians like Animals!

In the first chapter of the Bible, the Torah teaches us that God decided to create a human which will be “in his image”.

And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth.”

The Sforno comments on this verse, explaining that one of the unique features of humans, which differentiates them from both animals and angels, is their ability to have free choice. Only two beings have free choice: God and Humans. The Sforno goes on to explain that while God’s choices are always the right ones, humans can make both good and wrong choices.

Maimonides, commenting on the idea of free choice (in both Hilchot Tshouva of the Mishnei Torah and in Shmona Perakim), writes that the recognition of free choice is the basis for justice in this world. If there was no free choice, how could God punish someone for his wrongdoing? How could someone be rewarded for acting positively? Only with free choice can justice exist. Now, once free choice exists, justice dictates that one be punished for his wrongdoing and rewarded for his good actions.

Over the past few years, I have notices liberals, who claim to be fighting for universal human rights, remove all humanity from Palestinians. In the name of human rights, humanism, etc.. these individuals support a world view which clearly sets a double standard between the way Palestinians are treated and the way the rest of the world is treated. This double standard can be explained by many different factors, including contempt at the enemies of the Palestinians, but is also shows a deep discrimination towards the Palestinians which can only be explained by a warped and twisted form of racism. What is truly worrying is that this worldview has now reached the White House with President Obama continuously pressuring Israel towards racist policies towards the Palestinians.

Did I say racist policies? Yes. Let me explain myself

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TZIPIYAH.COM - Stop Treating Palestinians like Animals!

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