Saturday 6 June 2009

Parshat Naso: Inner Unity

Parshat Naso: Inner Unity


In Chapter 6 of this weeks parshah, we learn about the laws of the Nazirite; the case of an individual who wishes to take upon himself extra stringencies, most probably with the intention of strengthening his commitment to God. For thirty days, this individual is prohibited from drinking wine, cutting his/her hair, and coming in contact with a corpse. At the end of the thirty-day period, he/she brings a special offering marking the completion of the entire Nazirite process.

Immediately after, the Torah then speaks about the three-part priestly blessing that the Kohanim (the priests of the Temple) bestow upon the Jewish nation daily. The juxtaposition of these sections seems odd at first and the obvious question that comes to mind is what is the connection between these two? How is the Nazirite related to the priestly blessing?

Read All at : - Parshat Naso: Inner Unity

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