Wednesday 24 June 2009

The Middle Satan

The Middle Satan

Simon Tisdall at The Guardian is offended that Ahmedinejad and colleagues are blaming the UK for inciting the turmoil in Iran, along with the usual suspects such as the CIA and the Mossad.

Near the bottom of his column he admits, through very gritted teeth, that the antics of the Iranian regime are making Netanyhu's job easier.

So far so uninteresting. What is of greater value, if you're interested in peering into the cesspool of antisemitism and related hatreds beneath the veneer of civilisation in the UK and elsewhere, are the comments at the bottom of the column. Many of the peole who comment at CiF, that's the readership of the Guardian's website, fully accept Ahmedinejad's line. I remind you that comments on CiF are moderated by Guardian staff.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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