Friday 19 June 2009


Jewish Defence League Protest

York U, Glendon Campus
(Bayview and Lawrence)
Protest Against the Anti-Israel International Conference

Monday, June 22, 2009
3:00 – 9:00 pm

*Parking is Unavailable. We recommend TTC*

Bus #124 to Glendon campus from Yonge/Lawrence Subway Station

This Anti-Israel International Conference supports the goal of Radical Iran. The Jewish Defence League is asking all concerned to join us in a protest against this Conference of Hate.

The JDL will also provide a Bus Service at the following two locations:

Toronto Zionist Centre, 788 Marlee Avenue @ 2:00 pm

Sobey’s Plaza, Clarke and Hilda @ 6:00 pm

A bus shuttle service to the Kehillat Shaarei Torah (York Mills & Bayview) for snacks & refreshments during the protest.

We will raise the flag of Israel and Canada


For more information,

please call Jewish Defence League at 416-736-7000.

With Love of Israel,
Meir Weinstein, National Director

Jewish Defence League of Canada

A Deceptive Campaign of Misinformation is Being Used to Destroy the State of Israel.

A campaign of hate has permeated our campuses and one by one, they are being taken over.

The upcoming conference (to be held at York University, Glendon Campus), calls for a “One State Solution” – a euphemism for the destruction of the State of Israel - a trope of the most extreme rejectionist elements within the Palestinian movement and their allies in Syria and Iran. Terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah want to create an Islamic Republic in place of Israel.

Alan Dershowitz adds:

“The one-state solution proposal now being made by Palestinian lawyers and some anti-Israel academics is nothing more than a ploy. It is designed to destroy the Jewish state of Israel and to substitute another Islamic Arab state. “

Why we oppose this Conference…

“Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace”

Conference co-sponsored by York University and Queen’s University

June 22-24, 2009 Glendon Campus

Under the seemingly innocuous title of this Conference, and the soothing reference to "peace", many speakers at this event will be promoting the "one-state solution" as the best option to end the Arab-Israeli conflict by eliminating the State of Israel.

  • It denies the Jewish people – and the Jewish people alone – their national rights in their ancestral land (Zionism), as they were recognized in international law 89 years ago (San Remo Conference)

  • It promotes anti-Zionism while pretending that this debate is not anti-Semitic. But what could be more anti-Semitic than selectively denying to the Jews rights that all other peoples enjoy in their land?

  • It deliberately ignores the most egregious crimes committed by the Palestinian Arabs against the Jews since the 1920s in their ceaseless pursuit of violence, ethnic cleansing, indoctrination in schools, and incitement to murder and genocide while promoting a utopian, blissful cohabitation in a single bi-national state.

  • It uses the "Nakba" (flight of the Palestinian refugees in 1948) to justify the "right of return" of millions of Palestinians, and blames Israel for a situation largely encouraged by their own Arab leaders.

“Exactly where do Jews and Christians live in the Islamic World today side-by-side with equality? -- “Palestinian” columnist Ray Hanania

Statement from the Hon. Gary Goodyear

OTTAWA, June 5, 2009 – The following is a statement from the Hon. Gary Goodyear, Minister of State for Science and Technology, on the conference at York University entitled, “Israel/Palestine: mapping models of statehood and prospects for peace”.

“Our government is committed to the principle of academic independence and the independent, arms-length, peer review process for assessing applications for research grants.

“It has come to my attention that following a recommendation of a peer review board earlier this year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council provided $19,750 under its Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences Program to a conference at York University entitled “Israel/Palestine: mapping models of statehood and prospects for peace”.

“Approval of this funding was based on an initial proposal that did not include detailed information on the speakers at the conference. Since funding was provided, the organizers of the conference have added a number of speakers to their agenda.

“Several individuals and organizations have expressed their grave concerns that some of the speakers have, in the past, made comments that have been seen to be anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic. Some have also expressed concerns that the event is no longer an academic research-focussed event.

“Therefore, I have spoken to the president of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to bring these concerns to his immediate attention and asked that Council give them full consideration. In particular, I asked that the Council, once they have seen this information, to consider conducting a second peer review of the application to determine whether or not the conference still meets SSHRC’s criteria for funding of an academic conference.”
For further information:
Christine Albee
Press Secretary
Office of the Hon. Gary Goodyear

CIJA Urges Protest – Canadian Jewish News, May 21, 2009

TORONTO — “The Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA) is urging Canadian Jews to protest a conference at York University that CIJA says will “explore a one-state, bi-national solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians… which would spell the end of Israel as a Jewish state.”

It has come to the attention of the JDL that a Federal Government Department has contributed to this York/Queen’s sponsored Conference.

Please sign and forward this petition that calls upon the Government of Canada to withdraw sponsorship of York University's anti Israel Conference.

taken from : B'NAI ELIM (

1 comment:

  1. The Jewish state of Israel is a tiny, peace-loving, democratic and progressive state, surrounded by several massive Arab states. It is written that the capital is Jerusalem and so it shall remain, despite any efforts by radical Islamic terrorists or any other anti-Semites. Prime Minister Nayanyahu was very positive, most generous and fair in his recent speech, proposing solutions that would benefit both Israelis and Palestinians. Unfortunately, one would have to believe in miracles to think Islamic terrorists would ever consider stopping targeting Israel.
