Tuesday 9 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Yet another moral equivalence

Yet another moral equivalence

Just in case any of you thought that President Obumbler didn't draw a moral equivalence between the Holocaust victims and 'ordinary Germans' when he was in Dresden last Friday, he did. It just wasn't spoken.

Dresden is, as Angela Merkel put it in her joint press conference with Obama on Friday morning, a “highly symbolic city.” And within this highly symbolic city, there is no more symbolic monument than the historic Frauenkirche or “Church of our Lady.” The Frauenkirche was destroyed in the fires provoked by the Allied bombing and it was left in ruins for decades. The renovated church was first reopened to the public in 2005. The symbolic significance of Obama’s visit to Dresden could hardly be made complete without a visit to the Frauenkirche. But as late as Friday morning, there were still doubts about whether Obama would go to the church. Seemingly cognizant of the controversy that his Dresden visit had sparked back home, the president and his handlers were reportedly resisting the entreaties of his German hosts.

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Israel Matzav: Yet another moral equivalence

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