Tuesday 2 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

Frank Gaffney is a lot more optimistic than I am that the Congress will eventually revolt against President Obama's Middle East policy, as it revolted over his efforts to close the Guantanamo prison last month. Gaffney's only question is whether the revolt will come in time. I'm skeptical that it will come at all (for reasons I will go into after the excerpt).

Taken together with the U.S. administration's refusal to come to grips with what truly is the most serious threat to peace in the Middle East - Iran's rising power and growing aggressiveness, reflecting in part its incipient nuclear weapons capabilities - the stage is being inexorably set for the next, and perhaps most devastating, regional conflict.

Whether the signals Mr. Obama is sending are intended to communicate such a message or not, they are going to be read by Israel's enemies as evidence of a profound rift between the United States and the Jewish State. In this part of the world, that amounts to an invitation to an open season on Israel.

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Israel Matzav: Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

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