Monday 1 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Why 'West Bank settlements' must stop

Why 'West Bank settlements' must stop

At The American Thinker Vel Nirtist calls on President Obama to at least be consistent.

Having a legitimate title is one thing, but being cognizant of the "facts on the ground," the fact of heavy Arab presence in the West bank is another -- and time and again, the Israelis were willing to negotiate, compromise, share the land. Somehow, this willingness got translated into a bizarre notion that the West Bank is Arab by right, and that the only solution to the conflict is for the Israelis to withdraw. "Illegal Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian land which prevent the solution of Arab-Israeli conflict" became an integral part of the political discourse. Hence, the desire to remove those "barriers to peace," stifling their growth as demanded by President Obama through Secretary Clinton being the first step in that process.

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Israel Matzav: Why 'West Bank settlements' must stop

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