Saturday 27 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Whom we should support in Iran

Whom we should support in Iran

In case any of you are still thinking that Mousavi and Ahmadinejad are the same, here are some reasons to think otherwise. This is from Natan Sharansky (who was named the Chairman of the Jewish Agency this week, four years after being denied the position because he opposed the expulsion of Gaza's Jews from their homes):

With all their sympathy for peoples striving for freedom, Western governments are fearful of imperiling actual or hoped-for relations with the world's ayatollahs, generals, general secretaries and other types of dictators -- partners, so it is thought, in maintaining political stability. But this is a fallacy. Democracy's allies in the struggle for peace and security are the demonstrators in the streets of Tehran who, with consummate bravery, have crossed the line between the world of double-think and the world of free men and women.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Whom we should support in Iran

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