Tuesday 9 June 2009

Israel Matzav: We reap what we sowed

We reap what we sowed

In an editorial in Monday's editions, JPost rips President Obama for the connection he has drawn between Israel's 'right to exist' and the Holocaust.

BARACK OBAMA has been terribly misinformed if he thinks Israel's legitimacy hinges on the Shoah. Of course, had the Jews achieved a national homeland in Palestine before the outbreak of WWII - as Britain promised in the 1917 Balfour Declaration and as the League of Nations affirmed in 1920 - the doors to this country would not have been barred to Jewish refugees seeking to escape from the Nazi killing machine. History would have turned out very differently indeed.

What the Holocaust proved is that the world is too dangerous a place for Jews to be stateless and defenseless. But we Zionists were making that argument long before Hitler came to power.

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Israel Matzav: We reap what we sowed

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