Monday 29 June 2009

Israel Matzav: US trying to bring Hamas into negotiations

US trying to bring Hamas into negotiations

Last week, a regular reader sent me an email asking whether I had seen any evidence that US Middle East envoy George Mitchell had met with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal while he was in Syria recently, and suggesting that I keep my eye out for evidence that such a meeting took place or will take place. There is good reason to be concerned. By hook or by crook, the Obama administration is likely set on bringing Hamas into the 'peace process.'

Meanwhile, four senior Republican and Democratic figures, including former president Jimmy Carter and former secretary of state James Baker, called on President Barack Obama to initiate a dialogue with Hamas without delay. Speaking during interviews organized by the Foundation for Middle East Peace, Baker said that just like the U.S. found a way to begin dialogue with the PLO, it must do so with Hamas. Baker noted that it is impossible to make peace with people if you are unwilling to talk with them.

Read All at :
Israel Matzav: US trying to bring Hamas into negotiations

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