Monday 1 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Shock and horror: Understandings reached with Bush administration now 'worthless'

Shock and horror: Understandings reached with Bush administration now 'worthless'

Israeli negotiators who met with emissaries of President Obama in London last week to try to work out a compromise regarding the 'settlement freeze' discovered to their shock and horror that all of the understandings that the Sharon and Olmert governments had reached with Bush administration were now 'worthless.'

The Israeli delegates were stunned by the uncompromising U.S. stance, and by statements from Mitchell and his staff that agreements reached with the Bush administration were unacceptable. An Israeli official privy to the talks said that "the Americans took something that had been agreed on for many years and just stopped everything."

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Shock and horror: Understandings reached with Bush administration now 'worthless'

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