Tuesday 9 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Required reading: Anne Bayefsky on Obama's Cairo speech

Required reading: Anne Bayefsky on Obama's Cairo speech

Anne Bayefsky rips Obama's apologia in Cairo:

Obama thought he would prove his even-handedness towards Israel by boasting of Friday’s trip to a concentration camp and rejecting Holocaust denial. In this context, however, the move of doing Jews these supposed favors appears to be cynical political opportunism, especially having just set the Holocaust side-by-side with the “suffering” and “pain” of Palestinians “for more than 60 years.” After all, the president made no emotive references to the “intolerable” “suffering” of Israeli victims of Arab terror “for more than 60 years.” The word “terrorism” never left his lips. Far from bolstering the fight against terror and the anti-Semitism driving it, such maneuvers embolden more hate and violence against Israelis.

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Israel Matzav: Required reading: Anne Bayefsky on Obama's Cairo speech

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