Thursday 4 June 2009

Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinian' love affair with Obama

The 'Palestinian' love affair with Obama

The Jerusalem Post's Khaled Abu Toameh reports that the 'Palestinian Authority' is just tickled pink with the Obama White House.

"For the first time in many years, we are hearing different voices coming out of the White House," said a senior aide to Abbas. "We hope that the US administration will follow up on its statements with deeds on the ground."

Asked what he meant by "deeds on the ground," the official explained: "Everyone knows that the US is the only country in the world that can impose its will on Israel. Obama has the means and power to force Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders, including Jerusalem, and to dismantle all the Jewish settlements."

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Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinian' love affair with Obama

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