Sunday 21 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama's goal is forcing Israel to concede; stopping Iran's nukes is the way to get there

Obama's goal is forcing Israel to concede; stopping Iran's nukes is the way to get there

Interesting thought from Jonah Goldberg in the Corner.

Remember, the president wants Israel to cave to all sorts of demands as part of a grand quid-pro-quo whereby the US gets to work on forcing Iran to drop nukes in exchange for huge concessions by Israel. Well, what if getting Iran to drop its nukes is incidental and Israeli concessions fundamental. In other words, the prize of Obama's foreign policy agenda isn't getting Iran to drop its nukes, but to force Israel to do what he thinks it must to make peace with the Palestinians and the Arab world.

I think Goldberg is onto something here.

On the other hand, I think his next paragraph is wrong. Obama does have an anti-Israel bias.
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Obama's goal is forcing Israel to concede; stopping Iran's nukes is the way to get there

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