Saturday 13 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Obama's colonial governor and how Netanyahu should respond

Obama's colonial governor and how Netanyahu should respond

In Friday's Jerusalem Post, Caroline Glick reports on President Obama's efforts to install George Mitchell as our colonial governor.

Obama shares [National Security Adviser James] Jones's view that Israel's perception of its security needs is exaggerated. As he made clear in his speeches last week at Cairo and Buchenwald, Obama thinks that Israel suffers from a Holocaust-induced paranoia that causes it to wrongly believe that Arabs and Iranians wish to wipe it off the map. In Obama's view, Israel's fears can be dealt with, and a Middle East peace can be wrought through a US takeover of both Israel's security assessments and its military and intelligence operations and policies.

To this end, and in line with Jones's 2008 report, according to last Friday's Yediot Aharonot, the administration is building an apparatus designed to prevent Israel from exercising independent judgments about its tactical and strategic challenges and deny it the ability to secure its interests without US involvement and consent.

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Israel Matzav: Obama's colonial governor and how Netanyahu should respond

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