Thursday 11 June 2009

Israel Matzav: No way: Hezbullah would cease to exist if the Israeli-'Palestinian' conflict were resolved

No way: Hezbullah would cease to exist if the Israeli-'Palestinian' conflict were resolved

General David Petraeus, the chief of CENTCOM, made an outrageous statement last week that has raised a lot of eyebrows. He said that were the Israeli-'Palestinian' conflict to be resolved, Hezbullah would cease to exist. That's absurd.

Just prior to the Lebanese elections — elections that Hezbollah lost, thank goodness — Gen. Petraeus spoke with the Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper, published by the Lebanese Daily Star, and blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the existence of Hezbollah. “Hezbollah’s justifications for existence will become void,” Petraeus said, “if the Palestinian cause is resolved.”

Reda All at :

Israel Matzav: No way: Hezbullah would cease to exist if the Israeli-'Palestinian' conflict were resolved

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