Monday 29 June 2009

Israel Matzav: The mainstream media's double standard

The mainstream media's double standard

This is from Khaled Abu Toameh, best-known as the JPost's 'Palestinian' correspondent. This story has gotten way too little exposure in the media (Hat Tip: Melanie Phillips).

As for the international media, it's time to abandon the policy of double standards in covering the Israeli-Arab conflict. For many years, the mainstream media in the US and Europe turned a blind eye to stories about financial corruption under Yasser Arafat. The result was that Arafat and his cronies got away with stealing billions of dollars that had been donated to the Palestinians by the Americans and Europeans.

Back then, many foreign journalists said they believed that the stories about financial corruption in the Palestinian areas were "Zionist propaganda." Other journalists said they would rather file an anti-Israel story because this way they would become more popular with their editors and publishers.

Recently, a Palestinian TV crew was stopped at a checkpoint in the West Bank, where soldiers confiscated a tape and erased its content.

This incident, hardly received any coverage in the mainstream media in the US and Europe.

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Israel Matzav: The mainstream media's double standard

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