Friday 19 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Keith Dayton's police farce in action

Keith Dayton's police farce in action

We keep hearing how Keith Dayton's (pictured) 'Palestinian police' force farce is going to be able to keep the peace if the IDF evacuates Judea and Samaria. Even if that force doesn't eventually attack Israel, it doesn't look likely that it can keep the peace.

On May 31, a 'Palestinian Authority' strike force led by the 'Palestinian police' attacked a Hamas safe house in Kalkilya. What we were told was that six 'Palestinians' were killed: Two Hamas terrorists, the owner of the house, and three 'Palestinian police officers.' For those who have forgotten, go here, and watch the al-Jazzeera report on the incident.

What we weren't told is that the 'Palestinian police' totally botched the raid, and that the Hamas terrorists and the owner of the house were killed by a non-Arabic-speaking strike force, probably made up of Americans.
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Israel Matzav: Keith Dayton's police farce in action

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