Tuesday 16 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Is the American Jewish leadership finally waking up to Obama's anti-Israel views?

Is the American Jewish leadership finally waking up to Obama's anti-Israel views?

They were silent and worse during the 2008 election campaign. Could it be that America's 'Jewish leaders' are finally waking up to the evil intentions of the Obama administration regarding the State of Israel? Well, Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is about as 'establishment' as you can get, and he is plainly concerned with what's going on in Washington.

Jewish leaders “are expressing concern about what was said [in Obama’s Cairo speech],” Hoenlein says. “I’ve heard it from some of his strongest supporters. It’s expected from his detractors. Even people close to him have said to us that there were parts of the speech that bothered them.”

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Is the American Jewish leadership finally waking up to Obama's anti-Israel views?

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