Tuesday 9 June 2009

Israel Matzav: IDF to withdraw from 'Palestinian' cities?

IDF to withdraw from 'Palestinian' cities?

From September 2000 until the spring of 2002, we were living in a war zone. When you said good bye to your spouse and children in the morning, you never knew whether they would all be there in the evening. Taking buses or walking in many parts of this city was like playing Russian roulette. Our government under Ehud Barak was unwilling to jeopardize 'peace' with the 'Palestinians' by doing what needed to be done.

Ariel Sharon was elected Prime Minister in February 2002 (without a Knesset election - this was during the brief period when we had a directly elected Prime Minister) with a mandate to restore security to the country. When the 'Palestinians' perpetrated the Seder Night Massacre a couple months later, Sharon decided he'd had enough. In Operation Defensive Shield, he sent the IDF into the 'Palestinian' cities to ensure that terrorists could no longer reach Israel's cities. It took another two years for the terror to die down, but it has been relatively quiet since 2004. Largely because the IDF is still in those cities.

Now, the 'Palestinians' are trying to convince the Obama administration to force Israel to return to its September 2000 starting point, to withdraw the IDF from the 'Palestinian' cities and to keep it outside those cities. The 'Palestinian Authority,' which can't even control downtown Ramallah, is claiming that its American trained 'police force' should take control of the 'Palestinian' cities, with the IDF staying out.
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Israel Matzav: IDF to withdraw from 'Palestinian' cities?

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